Moving to a new pet friendly apartment in Hanover, PA can be a big adjustment for your family, including the furry family members.  While making plans to pack, move boxes and furniture, and turn on utilities, don’t forget to make plans to help your pets transition to their new home a little easier.  Here are a few tips to help your cat or dog feel at home quickly in their new home!

Moving Tips with Pets

  • Start slowly – Rather than giving your pet free rein in their new pet-friendly apartment in Hanover, PA all at once, introduce them slowly.  Enclose them in a small area if possible and bring items they’re familiar with like a bed or toys.
  • A Space of Their Own – Create a cozy space that your pet can call their own.  This could be a quiet corner with bedding or a crate that they’re familiar with.  Let them know that it is a safe space for them to be if they’re feeling scared or overwhelmed.
  • Maintain Your Routine – Return to your routine as soon as possible after getting settled.  Keep feeding, play, and walks as consistent as possible so they feel secure.
  • Explore Together – Give your pet confidence while guiding them through a tour of their new space, showing them where to find food, rest, toys, and take care of business.
  • Give Lots of Love – Moving can be stressful for pets.  Even during the hustle and bustle of moving, prioritize time to pay attention to them and remind them that the only thing that has changed is their location.
  • Update Identification – As soon as possible you should update any relevant contact information on your pet’s tags and microchips.  
  • Meet the Neighbors – Explore your new community together.  If your pet is social, let them meet neighbors you come across.  This cannot only help your pet to feel more at ease but gives you the perfect opportunity to make a new friend.

Pet Friendly Apartments in Hanover, PA

Sometimes the most difficult part of moving is finding a new pet friendly apartment in Hanover, PA.  At Burkentine Rentals, we understand that pets are a part of your family and welcome them at our apartments and townhomes.  If you’re looking for a new apartment in Hanover, PA, Rowen Place is now accepting applications for you and your four-legged roommate!  Contact our leasing office at 844-460-0441 for more information!